Mindfulness Habits to Better Health
Adrienne Price |
by Brittany Scanniello, RDN Many of us spend our days running from moment to moment. Oftentimes this is without thinking twice about our health, self-care routines and rest. Our lives are busy, our routines are hectic and it’s hard to stop and smell the roses. Mindful living is not as easy as it sounds, but with a little focus and effort, mindfulness can help you develop healthy habits. These habits can bring more joy, meaning and health to our lives. Here at Supernola, we have put together some of our team’s favorite habits to help you become more mindful in your...
Food Is Medicine
Adrienne Price |
Here at Supernola, we take a food as medicine approach, creating snacks made from nutrient-dense whole food ingredients powered by functional superfoods. Natural functional foods are whole food ingredients that are naturally rich in specific nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, and omega-3 fats. These foods not only supply your body with the essential vitamins and minerals it needs to work properly, but also supports overall health and wellness to allow us to look and feel our best.
2022 Mindfulness over Resolutions
Adrienne Price |
The New Year is a great time to make a resolution for healthy living. Diet and weight loss goals are usually on top of most people's lists. However, turning to a fad weight loss diet program leaves many unfulfilled, unhappy and unchanged. This year, what about focusing on health and diet changes that promote and sustain a vibrant lifestyle ALL YEAR LONG!
Holiday Party Survival Guide
Adrienne Price |
Holiday season is officially upon us! The time of year where we seem to have a never-ending holiday party schedule complete with delicious food everywhere we turn. We have highlighted some of our favorite ‘go-to’ tips that allow us to continue our health journey while still enjoying the scrumptious spreads set in front of us.
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